
To Be Read challenge, 2009

Apparently I am a lemming. All my friends did it, so I am jumping off the bridge too.

The idea is you pick 12 books you'll read in 2009, you're allowed an additional 12 alternates, in case something really, REALLY sucks, and then write them down somewhere public, so that you can't cheat. I'm not sure who cares if you cheat... but the assumption is that someone will be very upset. Besides, I got to be #99 on the list... which is so much cooler than 100.

Btw, I write titles in cataloging format. Deal with it.

A hasty first 12:
1. My uncle oswald, Roald dahl
2. Flight v. 1-5, edited by Kazu Kibuishi
3. The curious indecent of the dog in the night-time, Mark Haddon
4. A great and terrible beauty, Libba Bray
5. The Lazarus project, Aleksander Hemon
6. Berlin : city of stones, Jason Lutes
7. Kafka on the shore, Haruki Murakami
8. 2666, Roberto Bolano
9. Ultimate Spiderman, Brian Michael Bendis
10. A heartbreaking work of staggering genius, Dave Eggers
11. The life and opinions of Tristram Shandy, gentleman, Laurence Sterne
12. Ilium, Dan Simmons

1. Norwegian wood, Haruki Murakami
2. Do androids dream of electric sheep? Phillip K Dick
3. A mercy, Toni Morrison
4. The amazing Maurice and his educated rodents, Terry Pratchett
5. Nation, Terry Pratchett
6. A wrinkle in time (the whole series, reread), Madeleine l'engle
7. Infinte jest, David Foster Wallace
8. The butterfly tattoo, Phillip Pullman
9. Blonde, Joyce Carol Oates
10. The basic eight, Daniel Handler
11. Lighthouse keeping, Jeanette Winterson
12. Jeeves and Wooster chronicles, P.G. Wodehouse


Jess said...

Yay! Well, we have a lot of book and author overlap. 2666 intimidates me, a lot, but I might try it if I ever get Savage Detectives read. And I want to read more Aleksandar Hemon - Nowhere Man was one of my favorite reads of 2008.

Happy New Year! Happy reading :)

Angie said...

great list! I'm doing this too. Woops, I need to finalize mine today.