We haven't celebrated Christmas in a few years. In 2007, we celebrated octomas. In 2006, we celebrated Hanukkah. Before that, Erik and I made great efforts to get out of town, and do something chill on our own. This year however, my Aunt Linda and Cousin Sam were going to come visit. We talked about it this summer, before we knew we would be moving. We agreed that Christmas in Seattle just sounded nice.
However, as you know, It snowed bunnies and polar bears for 2 weeks in the north west. Everything shut down, airports included. I was very, very, disappointed to learn Tuesday that Sam and Linda were not going to make it. I did a little "holiday" drinking, watched old reruns on Hulu, and looked up a bunch of weather stats online while on the phone with Ravi. It was enough sulking to get me back in semi productive mode.
Yesterday I did some last minute Christmas shopping on Capitol Hill. It's a long walk from our house, fortunately the big thaw began around noon, so it wasn't too icy. I found everything I wanted, and managed to squeeze in an errand or two. On the way home, I grabed take out from our favorite restaurant. On the way back, I was carrying a lot fo stuff. I love Erik, he's so sweet. See, I always think I like hot toddy's when I hear the name - but when I taste them, not so much. So about 15 blocks and 3 hills from home, I called and asked him to make me something that tastes like a hot toddy sounds like it tastes. There was silence for a moment, then he said "no problem". It was warm and waiting when I got home, and it was awesome.
Today I finally assembled our tree. Yes, I was stupid enough to put the bulbs on before the lights. And yes, it was harder to put lights on my tree than your tree. It's not perfect, but I'm still pretty happy with it. I think next year we'll go back to Hanukkah, but keep the tree.
Tomorrow we're headed down to Eugene, to get a little bit of holiday cheer. We don't have time for much, so don't feel bad if we don't get to say hi.
Monday I go back to work for the first time in 11 days... it's been kind of nuts! I've used all my hard earned comp, all my sick leave, and I may have to do some leave without pay. But, it's been kind of nice to have a break. It's been a long time since we've had anything like this. And I can't stay mad at the snow, it's too pretty :)

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