

This has been a good, but busy week. I've had two phone interviews now - one on Friday, and another Tuesday morning. They both asked me to come in for a second interview; although, my upcoming trip to California made it impossible to work out both in-person interviews, and I will most likely only be doing the one.

After going so long with no calls or responses, it is so so so wonderful to hear positive feed back. To hear that they liked my resume, that an interview went well. It's almost more important than getting the opportunity, because it gives me hope that sooner or later, and maybe closer to sooner, something will work out. One way, or another!

Also, I'm sorry my photo blog hasn't had many photos lately. I will post some before I go! Erik got a new, enormous, bangs and whistles, 17-55 zoom. I'm dying to try it out :)

1 comment:

Jess said...

Yay! It will all work out soon :)

Have a good trip!