
Heard back form the UW, sort of

We're starting to wonder if maybe the whole state of Washington has a culture of not letting people know when they don't get a job. Their website was updated, but no call. So, yes, that's a round about way of saying Erik didn't get the job. I'm very proud of him for putting so much work into it, sometimes it's just a matter of the applicant pool.

I'm not sure what the next step is. I still want to go, but I'm feeling so discouraged. Not sure how much longer we can hang out in limbo. Avoiding commitments here, and finding all doors closed there.

1 comment:

Rosei said...


Thinking about you guys lots, good luck with every application and interview. I have faith in the both of you and know that you're not the only ones who feel a bit lost from time to time!
