
Holiday decorations

If you are one of those people who believes in taking all decorations down on the 26th, I would drive you nuts. I will keep the tree up until it's just a pile of needles on the floor, if I can. And we don't have x-mas trees or decor often, so I plan to be extra crazy about them this year.

I didn't have really any ornaments for the tree, so I decorated with whatever I could find. Most of the things that turned into ornaments well were from Rosei, so major thanks to her! That unicorn in the middle there is one of the few things that was meant to be an ornament, and it's hand made, super special, and also from Rosei.

This chain of cute little knit stockings and mittens came from a cute little import store in Haight. I totally adore it. The tiny little cone trees on the ledge were an x-mas gift from Jess - she hand made a gazillion of them! They are totally fabulous. The little bunny in the upper right was a going away gift from Jess's mom, Marylynn. It's supposed to be a pin-cushion, but I just couldn't impale him.

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