

I spent most of Friday reading The Secret Life of Bees. I thought it would be like The Secret Life of Plants - which is full of cool stuff about plants. I was really confused when what I thought was an anecdote about how the author first became interested in bees; never ended. But, it's a very good book, and I very much recommend it. I also read Nextwave, watched Grey's Anatomy, reorganized and tidied up my Netflix cute, and got mojito sorbetto at Sweetlife with Erik.

Saturday morning I got up early and painted the kitchen. Hanu and Erik slept in.

Then we went to the Saturday market, and up to Hendrix park for a picnic with Richard. Richard recently got a camera very much like Erik's, so he was totally willing to wander around taking photos with us. Afterwards, I went to see 27 dresses with Asha. It's not really my type of movie, but at least it wasn't a damsel in distress rom com. It was kind of fun. And, we went shoe shopping after - Asha is old enough to shop with now. This is a revelation. Next weekend we're going back. I am *so* excited to have a shopping buddy again. That night, Erik and I watched the two towers - we're rewatching the lord of the rings series. It's so fun.

Here are the pictures from the park. Overall, I have a mixed relationship with flowers. They are so pretty, and I think i take pretty pictures of them, but I also feel bored and disappointed with my pictures. like the flowers are the ones doing all the work, and I haven't added anything by taking it's picture. Of course, every once in a while I break down and take a bunch anyway.


Jess said...

Saturday was so pretty, I took a lot of photos too.

What color is the kitchen?

e said...

The three-trunked tree photo is super pretty!

Rosei said...

I like the pictures of the guys taking pictures. Very cute.

Melissa Logan said...

Actually, only one of them is taking pictures.... :)

nudibranchs and toast said...

yay for hendricks! i was so sad i couldn't make it up there last weekend, but it was hailing and cold out anyways.

love the pictures!