
Irises on a not so bright morning

Hello, I'm back! April was a crazy month for Erik and I. We moved to a new apartment, which is beautiful, and has an awesome location, and will help us save money for the wedding. I got a promotion, which is awesome! I love my job, I hope I can keep it forever. I am however quite busy, as I'm doing bits of my old job, too, and staying on almost all of my committees. Erik is takings class this term, which makes me really happy, even if I complain that I don't see him most week day evenings. And last but nit least, we had visits from both of our patents within a couple of weeks. Add to that a little personal drama, and a few colds, and that how April flew by (or dragged out forever, perhaps)

I am back on the blog now, and I think I may be using this space quite a bit more. Facebooks latest "privacy" settings have become absurd. And while I don't worry so much who knows my favorite movie, or book, I do care if my comments and "likes" are trackable, and web searchable.

And then I though, my blog isn't web searchable, my buzz is restricted to friends, I can share things privately or publicly on reader. Maybe this is where I should be spending my time!

Here is a photo of irises that I took while waiting for a bus on a not so bright morning. I hope you like it, and I'll be back, soon :)

Location:E John St,Seattle,United States

1 comment:

nudibranchs and toast said...

oh yay! Facebook or not I love seeing your posts :D I'm thinking one of these days when I get both money and time I'll migrate my way to north to explore your beautiful city and have many many conversations about nonsense like flowers, swedish design, plant collecting disorders, pretty fabrics, imaginary dinosaurs... :)