Afterwards, we drunkenly rolled out my quilt, and proceeded to pick out our favorite squares, and talk color. This motivated me to finish the design, despite the cloudy weather (I've only been quilting on sunny days, for no good reason).
So, Saturday I woke up bright and early, and finished the design. I had had Erik pick me up a few new shades of green earlier that week, the greens having been a little weak.
Then we had breakfast together, occasionally interrupted by me darting into the other room to swap a square or two. (I discovered yellow animal cookies when I went to Roseburg with Jen!)
After all that work puting the squares in order, we neatly stacked them back up again. Grrrr.
Erik rearranged the computer room, and I now have a sewing station. He makes me so happy :)
Next we went to the paint store. I want to paint the shelves in the kitchen old lady rose, and bright gold to go with our old timey mint green. It sounds weird, right? I think it's perfect :)
I kind of want a yellow house.
Sunday the sun came out. I did not want to go to work. I cracked at the last minute, thinking of poor Jen opening up the library all cranky with the crazed finals week students.
These are some of the things that sparkle in our house when the sun shines.
mel, you are awesome! I'm going to set up a sewing spot for myself over break. And you also make me want to start on a quilting project... haha! also i love the things that sparkle section that includes your green cat :D
I seem to have cookie memories... yummers. Your pictures are so beautiful, I think I'm going to start carrying my camera around just to capture some of the little things around me.
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