Friday was leap day. That means slippers (your FAVORITE slippers), finger food, wizard people, dear reads, and dinosaur cupcakes, courtesy of the lovely Hana:
Saturday, I finally got to work on my quilt. I purchased fabric at 3 fabric stores, washed it in 4 loads of laundry, ironed through 2 episodes of Start Trek (next gen), and cut a ginormous stack of little squares.
Which do you think is cuter - my new pin cushion, or Aketa?
Sunday, I woke up at 7:30, and made myself go back to sleep. I woke up at 8:15, and made myself go back to sleep. Finally, I started dreaming about fabric, and decided I could not wait any longer, it was time to start arranging.
This quilt is not as classically beautiful as the last, but I am a sucker for rainbows. The yellow is a bit washed out in these photos - it's much sunnier in person. The old ladies at the fabric stores love the lurid colors. Especially the lime greens - I have heard from so many older women about lime greens, I'm starting to wonder if it's a color that the mind somehow appreciates more with age.
In any case, one more trip to the fabric store should do it, and then I can start sewing. When I'm done with the big quilt, I will have enough extra fabric to make a smaller rainbow throw blanket. I haven't decided what to do with my extra blanket!
are you adding in blues and purples as well? this looks soo so cool so far and if i didn't have homework you know i'd be embarking on a crazy sewing adventure as well...!
Hey Mel,
Since I enjoy blogs and enjoy you I have added yours to my list. I am happy that you are so fired up about your quilting, and the quilt you made your sister was really pretty. I am actually feeling inspired to make something crafty now too. Thanks!
Crissy, little sister of Jen
You are so amazing!!! When did you get into quilting? Yay, I just discovered comments.
The colors look great! I am glad you are using the lemon fabric. And I am sure the cats would appreciate a cat sized rainbow blanket to lay on :)
You were a busy bee on Saturday--it is going to be beautiful!
wow, i am amazed. quilting is no easy task, especially with the care and creativity you put into it!
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