
Weekend sewing

Sorry it's been so long since I've posted anything! I'm uploading a bunch of photos now, so there should be regular blogs for the next couple of weeks.

I've been learning to make my own clothes. I Started with some fabrics I wasn't too attached to, in case I made silly mistakes. Which, I have. I really have. I was so anxious to finish this (my first) skirt, that I kept putting off hemming the bottom edge. And now, it will not be easy, and I'm not quite sure that I ever will. The fabric was a bit of a disappointment too. Up close, there are touches of brilliant iris and magenta in wavy stained-glass like shapes (you can see them if you click on the photo for the full size). But, when it's on, you don't notice them so much. The pattern is a little too small.

This dress is pretty darn cute. It's got pockets, and a nicely draping full skirt. There are straps there too that you can't quite see. Someday I'll get around to taking a picture of me inside it.

Fabric for a new dress. I'm thinking of giving it an empire waist, kind of a-line skirt (not poofy, but not fitted either) and adding a band of off white at the waist and on the top edge. What do you think? Any ideas?

Yes, I'm making another bag. This time I'm doing a more complicated pocket, more pics when it's sewn!

The fabric situation is getting out of hand... If anyone knows where I can buy a cheap wooden shelf, with shelves sized for small folded bits of fabric, I would greatly appreciate it <3


Jess said...

Target and Fred Meyers have the little cubbies Shane bought me!

I like the idea of an empire waist on that dress. It seems like it would drape nicely.

I love the new blog header and layout! Very nice :)

nudibranchs and toast said...

Love the new layout...I need to work on a fancy image header.

I think I showed this one to Jess, but I love it and cannot wait to make one for myself: http://www.voguepatterns.com/item/V8380.htm?tab=very_easy_vogue_dresses_br_includes_koko_beall_designer&page=3 It would be perfect with the white band maybe.

Yay for sewing clothes! I made a purse for my friend annie this weekend for her birthday. photos will come very soon.