

Did you know they make vaccines for elm trees, against Dutch elm disease?

-- Post From My iPhone


New tea pot from uwaj <3

-- Post From My iPhone

I love plants.

Morning herb tour of the UW campus by develop u.

Wild cucumbers are some of the most beautiful plants.

These are hartweg's sundrops. I love them! The flowers are like crinkeled tissue, and turn orange as they wither.

Dandelion bush..?

I love all types of mimosa.

I only recently learned that bachelors button and cornflower are the same plant. So embarssing!

My childhood favorite.... Blue morning glory. Who says it's a weed?

I think of these as dr.suess plants. This bush is a little past it's prime.

I thought pomegranates were a tree... I'll be visiting these often in the fall.

One of asha's favorites - passion flower

I adore queen anne's lace

Yarrow, such a nice scent

"bizzare triomphant rose"

Nasturtium, another favorite! Although honestly, I love the leaves a bit more than the flowers.


Queen-anne like, but totally different

Rosemary gone wild

Oregon grape - edible, but very sour. Good in jams and baked goods. When I was little, my dad gave them to me and would tell me they were blue berries... The taste is very surprising if you're not prepared!

This is not actually an artichoke, although it may look like one. Artichokes have brilliant purple flowers, and tho you cant tell from this, much fuller leaves and stems.

Erik, trying to get a bee to perch on his finger

--Post From My iPhone


Fabric shopping for my birthday

It's called getting carried away, and I am so good at it.

It was a great birthday!

-- Post From My iPhone

Taking the train home

-- Post From My iPhone