Sunday We tried out Zip car for the first time. It's just peachy. You can make reservations in half hour increments. They show you a picture of the car, and the cars name. That's right, the cars all have little"hi my name is..." stickers. The car is is a lovely 6 block walk from our house. When you get there, all you need is your magic card. When you hold up said magic card to the window, the car unlocks. Keys are in the ignition. Gas is free. They bill your credit card a flat hourly rate. Call to extend reservation if need be. LOVE IT.

Today, I worked a 9-6 at work, so Erik and I decided to head over to Capitol hill, and get a start on x-mas shopping. I thought of Sam and Asha the whole time - lots of cool shops. I spent a little too much time at Urban Outfitters... Urban Outfitters and I have a very unhealthy, very co-dependent relationship.
Capitol hill was all twinkly. The street already has lots of bright signs, and it was extra sparkely with the x-mas lights. I adore x-mas lights.
We're actually celebrating x-mas this year, so Erik and I have been talking about what to use for a tree. Something special... and twinkly :)

love the kitchen and your hair! all kitchens need a cheery color :)
I went to shore acres (the big english gardens) on sunday and they were setting up their light display. They were matching the little led light's and colors to specific plant's flowers. Even in the middle of a cloudy raining day it was lovely...
I totally agree! The floor is a horrible brown grey fake stone pattern, that felt so oppressive. I said, this needs Cheer! So we went with the bright green. the land lady is gonna hate it :)
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