So this week has been kind of amazing. I don't work on sunday or mon. I cleaned the house, died my hair, and started a secret felting project. Tuesday was a snow day. Erik and I finally went to the stamp collectors shop, did a little exploring and shopping downtown, and repotted some plants. I even trimmed my hair a little. Wed the Uw was supposed to reopen. But thank to my friends and Komo news, the many wonderful students who left comments on the Uw alter blog, and lots and lots of footage of cars sliding around Seattle's icy streets, the Uw closed Wed too. We went to the book store, the library, and each bought a pair of slippers, and a scarf.
The next few days are holiday, and one I'm looking forward to. The first thanksgiving I ever spent with Erik, it was just the two of us. And I remember thinking I finally found somewhere I belonged. Tomorrow we plan to make banana pancakes for breakfast, and will continue to enjoy that feeling of belonging that's lasted seven years.
And, if you were counting, that means I got one full week off work. That's right. A week. No vacation leave or planning, no sick leave, no negotiations. No travel plans, no house guests, no schedule Just a full week off work, totally free, totally awesome.

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