
I'll be moving to Seattle 10/10

My last day at the library will be 10/09. We'll be moving that weekend, and it's going to be awesome.

Erik is coming with me, but a couple of weeks later. He doesn't have a job lined up, but he's starting to talk about all kinds of exciting things - like going back to school, trying out something outside of libraries. Trying new things is really hard after nearly 9 years in the same position (wow!), so I am very very very proud of him.

We are trying very hard to find a place that can have a guest bedroom, so please come and visit us!

Also, I think we'll be happy to come down and visit, so let us know if your house is a good place to crash. Having visitors can be fun, but everyone needs their home to be their private space too, so I don't plan on inviting myself to stay at anyone's house.

And I will be having a going away party. something spiffy, with everyone and their mother invited. But I don't know when because we have to make at least one more trip up to Seattle to find a place to live!


nudibranchs and toast said...

ghaa! i can't believe you are leaving, but new things are awesome. and if I ever make it up to seattle you will be the first person I contact because I'm sure that you have found all of the coolest parts of that place :)

let me know when your party is I'll see if I can make it up there!

Angie said...

So excited for you! Wish I could come to the party.