I'm sorry it's been so long since I've posted anything! We've had a very busy Fall, and in the coming months have decided to take it easy on travel & visitors. So, I thought it would be a good time to start up with this blog again.
I may have posts in the next few weeks about our travels, but for now, I just want to show you the thank you cards I made today. The water color paper was really tricky! it was very prone to bleeding. So, some were a little wonky, but I really like others.

These are the flowers Erik brought me when he picked me up at the airport a couple of weeks ago. I don't usually draw from life, but I was very inspired by their pretty lines and fading colors.

I also decided to try to draw this cactus for some reason!

Others include overipe kiwi's clinging to a winter vine, a dandelion clock, somewhat blurry beets, a hugley fanned gingko, medlars, pears, medlars and pears again, a giant radish, a unicorn, and one more kiwi vine.