

Love you sweetie!

And sweet potato gnocchi with camrelized onions, and baby broccli slathered in garlic? Love you too Carmelita!

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Running errands down town tonight

A little something for you. The banana republic building is oh-so pretty:

I couldn't resist this dress, in a strange but lovely greenish yellow
And some drummers rocking out with a passing-by toddler

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Location:Pike St,Seattle,United States

Cross stitch

I went to the library first thing sat morning to get a book of cross stitch patterns. I somehow wound up with 5 embroidery books (more complicated stitchrs), and only one cross stitch book. And there was only one project in that book that tickled me. The clovers below. Unfortunantlly the pattern is in black and white, and miniature. So it's taking forever! I think I need to go back to the library :)

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Experimenting with sewing curves

It took me a long time to come up with this simple pattern

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Yet another really really cool pea patch.

One thing I love about this city is the pea patches. I have yet to see a dull one. They are city owned land, people can ask fr a plot - I think there is a reasonable charge - and it's theirs to garden in. This is perfect for anyone who lives in an apt, or has a too-small yard. I've also heard people say that it can be very therapuetic to have a place lime that away from home, a regular evening ritual. And many of them are in scenic locations.

We've been to one in the international district, terraced, on a steep steep slope, over looking the city and bay. The one in our alley, with twisted branch fence and gate/archway. There is another in the teeny valley behind our house, nestled into the steep hill. On my way to work, there is a spralling garden, built over what used to be one block of street, complete with sidewalks running along either side, that I think must be a pea patch. And last weekend. We found this beauty in belltown.

Wild scraggly winter plants!

A little bit of a view. The winter growth reminds me of the secret garden, before the girl reforms it.

Bathtub planters! I want one, please.

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A walk in sculpute park

My apologies, it's been harder to get back into the habit of blogging than I thougt! Butat least, I have been remembering to take pictures for all of you :)

Last weekend Erik said, ok, enough staying home crafting! I don't care if it's winter, let's go adventuring. So we went down town, walked around sculpture park, found a sculpture pavillion that was new to us, found yet another terribly rad pea patch in bell town (see next post!), and got some fresh produce and spices at pikes.

Metal tree near the sculpture park pavillion:

Inside the pavillion

The weird little courtyard out back

The nursery log installation a block down. Walls are green tinted, log and plants are real!

Down by the waterfront, in the actual park

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Cinnamon rolls!

At last, we make cinnamon rolls!

Erik set them up upsidedown for some reason. Mine were flavored with amaretto and apple sauce, in addition to the usual cinnamon and sugar. I made a honey creamcheese icing too. So yummy! But we need to work on them a bit too, mine were a little bitter (too much cinnamon, not enough sugar) and not fluffy enough. Next weekend!

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Location:23rd Ave E,Seattle,United States


I ran out of stamps!

So only half of these went out today. Sorry!

Also I took a long walk sun, and wrote a lovely post for you about it, which blog press (my iPhone blogging app) promtley deleted. When I stop being annoyed, I will re-write it!

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Location:Columbia Rd,Seattle,United States


Holiday decorations

If you are one of those people who believes in taking all decorations down on the 26th, I would drive you nuts. I will keep the tree up until it's just a pile of needles on the floor, if I can. And we don't have x-mas trees or decor often, so I plan to be extra crazy about them this year.

I didn't have really any ornaments for the tree, so I decorated with whatever I could find. Most of the things that turned into ornaments well were from Rosei, so major thanks to her! That unicorn in the middle there is one of the few things that was meant to be an ornament, and it's hand made, super special, and also from Rosei.

This chain of cute little knit stockings and mittens came from a cute little import store in Haight. I totally adore it. The tiny little cone trees on the ledge were an x-mas gift from Jess - she hand made a gazillion of them! They are totally fabulous. The little bunny in the upper right was a going away gift from Jess's mom, Marylynn. It's supposed to be a pin-cushion, but I just couldn't impale him.


Erik made not-cinnamon rolls

Would have been cooler if they had been real cinnamon rolls, right? But I'm still excited, because it makes me think if he can make nut/herb/spice rolls like these, for sure he can make cinnamon & sugar rolls!

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Happy new year!

I'm sorry it's been so long since I've posted anything! We've had a very busy Fall, and in the coming months have decided to take it easy on travel & visitors. So, I thought it would be a good time to start up with this blog again.

I may have posts in the next few weeks about our travels, but for now, I just want to show you the thank you cards I made today. The water color paper was really tricky! it was very prone to bleeding. So, some were a little wonky, but I really like others.

These are the flowers Erik brought me when he picked me up at the airport a couple of weeks ago. I don't usually draw from life, but I was very inspired by their pretty lines and fading colors.

I also decided to try to draw this cactus for some reason!

Others include overipe kiwi's clinging to a winter vine, a dandelion clock, somewhat blurry beets, a hugley fanned gingko, medlars, pears, medlars and pears again, a giant radish, a unicorn, and one more kiwi vine.