We've had a quiet, and eventful few weeks. No house guests since mid-Feb, it was nice to spend a little quality time with Erik, but I'm starting to miss having visitors too.
Presidents day weekend, Ravi Asha and Michele finally got to come up and see our place. We had a blast, and I felt like I finally got to spend enough time with everyone. We went to the capitol hill water tower to watch the sunset, took ninja out on the town, visited Seattle's tiniest beach, compared two of down town's
cooler churches (architectually), and the Japanese dollar fifty store, read some fine bus poetry, and picked the Fremont troll's nose.

Last weekend was
ACRL, which was 80%
rad, and 20%
totally boring. I was really happy to feel connected to changes and advances in the library world, it even made me think for a minute maybe I would enjoy getting my MLS... except that 20%, the nagging feeling that in the day to day of librarian work the percentages are a little less kind, and how much I would hate being cut off from the services end of things. But maybe if I found the perfect library or dept, it would be worth it.
We learned the truth about Sad Cat. It turns out he's not sad like a puppy locked out in the cold - he's sad like one of those midwest bible salesmen with a wife in every state on his route. That's right, Sad cat is not only homeless, he's getting his snacks, lovin, and shelter at 3 different houses. So we decided it wasn't worth the fleas, the "marking", and the stress to
Ms. Sassy Pants, and
Kitty Wants a Snack. Needless to say, we stopped letting him in... and that little weasel didn't like it one bit. If we don't watch our feet, he'll sneak in while we are coming and going. And worse, he's started jumping up on the window sill while our cats are napping on the window bench - it
terrifies them.
And best of all, yesterday I finally finished the
rainbow quilt. I had completed the cover piece months ago, and thought sticking the whole thing together in a quilt sandwhich would be a piece of cake. Oh how wrong I was. Partly because the damn thing is
cursed. I can't think if a single step that didn't go wrong and have to be redone. Durning the final step, our 40$ little sewing machine was dying, and we even had a power outage, so the edging looks like it was done by a baboon. But, I love the stupid thing. I slept under it last night, and it made me so happy!!
Pictures to come.