Today my cold was a teeny tiny bit better. I am suspicious at this point that it's the flu - it just makes me so tired!
On my way to work today I took a different route. It was amazing. The stop was on top of a hill, and the hill has an incredible view of the sunrise. Even tho it is several miles from down town, I could see the tops of the sky scrapers, and beyond them, the hills across the bay. Heaven.
first thing this morning, Mary and I helped another librarian (colleen) retrieve a skeleton from her car (there is a body parts section in my library, it's so fun to watch the med field students play with them!). On the way to Colleen's car, Mary wanted to show me the Salmon pool. The Magnuson health center I work at is quite close to the canal between Seattle's two major bay/lakes. I guess Salmon travel this canal in their migration this time of year. The UW has a sort of detour set up for them, and unfortunately, they slaughter the larger salmon funneled in this way. I felt all the more horrible about the inevitable slaughter when I saw the salmon - huge magnificent beasts. gorgeous. With little teeny white noses. Why people would take such lovely things and turn them into bad breath is totally beyond me.
Later in the afteroon, we had an open house at the Health Sciences Library. There is a traveling exhibit,
Changing the face of medicine, honoring women who have made a positive impact on the medical world. It's part of a traveling exhibit, and in each state a number of
local legends were nominated. So, at today's open house, some of the
Washington local legends were awarded, and we got to hear them speak. They. Were. Awesome. And the cider was way yummy.
That's all for today, more tomorrow. No pics until Friday, unfortunately, when my boyfriend, the good computer, and the rest of the camera equipment arrive. I thought I wouldn't be seeing Erik again until the 25th, but it turns out he got an interview on the 17th. It's not the most exciting position, but it's different from what Erik is doing now (which he's happy about), it's a great place to make connections, and his supervisor would be a fabulous lady. She's the head of library payroll, has already helped get me set up, and I just think she's the coolest person. So, wish him luck!
Have a good night <3